Registered Community
Organization (RCO)

HACE seeks to elevate the voices of the community whenever possible. As the Registered Community Organization (RCO) for the Fairhill, St. Hugh, and Kensington areas – from Lehigh to Glenwood, bound by B Street to the east and 6th Street to the west – we are able to incorporate community perspectives into decision-making on a City-level.

As an RCO, we are the primary contact for the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) in Philadelphia regarding significant physical developments in our neighborhoods. It is our role to be in direct communication with applicants seeking zoning variances in our community, and to ensure that residents have an opportunity to affect the changes proposed in their neighborhood.

As we continue to incorporate the voices of local residents and stakeholders into the development processes of the neighborhood, we prioritize the promotion of projects that will encourage change reflective of the community they cohabitate and serve.

Virtual RCO Process

HACE prioritizes an inclusive and consistent Community Zoning Review process for all proposals. In alignment with virtual ZBA and RCO Operations, HACE’s RCO has adopted the following process:

  1. City of Philadelphia sends RCO Notification email to HACE, Zoning Applicant, and relevant parties
  2. Communications between Applicant & RCO commence:
    1. Per the City of Philadelphia, the Applicant is required to contact the RCO within 20 days of RCO Notification email send date
    2. HACE sends letter to Zoning Applicant establishing meeting dates and materials to be reviewed. All Zoning Applicants are expected to submit the following documents no later than their Preliminary Meeting date:
      1. Site Plans and any other documents specific to the project
      2. Photographs of the current property conditions
      3. Documentation reflecting the property’s current owner
      4. Documentation of the applicant’s tax status
      5. All correspondence with the City of Philadelphia regarding this project (e.g. Zoning Appeal application)
      6. Certificate of Mailing & copy of Near-Neighbor Notification Letter (to addresses identified using the RCO Notification Site)
      7. A petition of support that explains the nature of the proposal, signed by residents of the affected addresses (including printed name, residential address, phone number, and signature; Address List provided via RCO Notification Site: https://www.phila.gov/rconotification/)
    3. Zoning Applicant confirms receipt of letter and meeting schedule
  3. HACE holds Preliminary Meeting at least 1 week in advance of virtual Public Meeting
  4. HACE holds virtual Public Meeting for presentation and discussion only
  5. HACE’s Zoning Committee holds a meeting to cast a final vote on the project informed by discussion within the Public Meeting
  6. HACE submits RCO Summary Letter that includes a summary of the Public Meeting discussion and Zoning Committee vote at least 5 days in advance of ZBA Hearing

If the Zoning Applicant does not provide sufficient information and/or communications for the project, HACE’s RCO may request a Continuance to allow sufficient time for Community Zoning Review process to take place.


For more information, please contact the NAC Program Director:

Stasia Monteiro

  • smonteiro@hacecdc.org
  • HACE Main Office
  • 167 W. Allegheny Avenue, Suite 200
  • Philadelphia, PA 19140
  • (215) 426-8025 x3011

This activity is supported in part by funding from the City of Philadelphia’s Division of Housing and Community Development.